Spain’s election of a new government in 2011 sparked the publication of several reports, analyses and proposals for future directions related to the Spanish development policy implemented during the past several years.
In the last few months, Spanish research centers such as FRIDE, Instituto Elcano and CIECODE have published several different reports concerning the future of Spanish development policy. Together with the recently published reports from the DAC peer review of Spain and other groups with more specific health focuses, among them the Global Health Institute of Barcelona, ISGlobal, and Salud Por Derecho/ the Right to Health Foundation, these organizations have created a series of proposals that construct a roadmap for the Spanish development health policy.
Each report, including the one published by Salud Por Derecho, agrees on several points:
- Spain’s future reputation as a country with relevant and effective foreign policies will be strengthened by the incorporation of the development policy into its plan for action.
- Given that Spain currently finds itself in a state of economic restriction, now is the time for the country to focus on ensuring a higher quality and a bigger impact of resources.
- It is imperative that Spain expresses clear positions and raises its profile in international debates and forums. In addition, Spain must be more involved and influential on the multilateral organizations of which it is a part.
- It is necessary to improve systems for determining accountability. This involves creating assessment mechanisms that allow for the establishment of criteria that aid in determining the best recipient of crucial resources.
This collection of reports can be of great use to the larger community involved in the Spanish Cooperation initiative, and it is our hope that it can be of equal value to the Spanish Government. Happy reading!
- Hoja de Ruta de la Cooperación Española en la legislatura 2011-2015
- Libro Blanco CIECODE (White Paper, CIECODE)
- Nunca desaproveches una buena crisis: hacia una política pública españolade desarrollo internacional (Never waste a good crisis: Towards the establishment of a Spanish public policy for international development)
- “La ayuda española al desarrollo y los retos de la salud global” ( Spanish Development Aid and the Challenges of Global Health: a recipe for change).
- Informe de pares del CAD para España (DAC Peer Review of Spain)