This week we have traveled to Paris for a workshop on cancer drug prices. Also, we have endorsed a new report on public investment.
The increasingly worrying problem of prices in new cancer treatments has led us to Paris this week where, together with KEI Europe, Just Treatment, KEI and UACT, we have organized the ‘Workshop on cost and availability of cancer treatments in the United Kingdom, France and Spain’.
The objectives of the workshop were to share information and thoughts on the cost and access to treatments and examine the current state in these three countries. We also discussed alternatives to have a new model of innovation and development and initiatives to reduce drug prices.
This week, in addition, STOPAIDS and Global Justice Now have published the report ‘Pills and Benefits: How Pharmaceutical Companies Destroy Drug Research’, with the support of various organizations, including Salud por Derecho (Right to Health Foundation).
The report shows, with the example of the UK, how taxpayers are financing with millionaries investments of public money researches of life-saving drugs, and howpharmaceutical companies impose very high prices for those drugs once on the market, making them too expensive for the population that needs them and showing a problem with the return of public investment in research.