Today, Europe Day, the Spanish Congress of Deputies will debate a resolution on the role that Spain should have in negotiations of the EU New Pact on Migration and Asylum. For this reason, civil society organisations are sounding the alarm: the new pact, which will design the European policy on migration and asylum, which is still in negotiations, could have serious consequences regarding human rights.
The propositions included in the new pact, as they are currently outlined, strengthen a migratory system based on dissuasion, control and the return of migrants and refugees who manage to reach Europe’s borders, placing their lives, safety and dignity at serious risk. In parallel, its commitment is insufficient to increase the safe and legal channels for accessing international protection and for establishing a truly equitable distribution to ensure the decent reception of people, from a perspective of children and gender.
This petition is taking place at the threshold of Spain taking on the next presidency of the European Union Council, from 1 July to 31 December 2023. According to signatory organisations, this is an opportunity to adopt a key and active role in negotiations of the EU New Pact on Migration and Asylum. ‘Spain must drive forward the agreements necessary for achieving a European migratory policy that is founded on full respect of human rights that defends the principles of solidarity and shared responsibility’, they state.
For this reason, parliamentary groups are being asked to approve the resolution, with the aim of urging the Spanish government to play a key role in the negotiations to defend a European migratory and asylum policy that is people centric and focused on human rights.
The PNL approved today should be the Government’s roadmap during the EU Presidency and should include the following:
- Adopting a proactive role on the part of Spain to ensure that the Pact complies with international human rights standards.
- Continuing participation and dialogue with civil society organizations and parliamentary groups on the Pact.
- Ensuring the incorporation of a non-discriminatory and gender perspective in the new Pact, in accordance with international human rights standards.
- Ensuring the incorporation of a children’s approach and adequate guarantees for the protection of children and adolescents, in accordance with international human rights standards.
- Deploying a policy based on legal and safe pathways of access to the territory, in compliance with the commitments acquired in the area of asylum. This policy should promote mechanisms for access to international protection in countries of origin and transit, in accordance with the state legal framework and international human rights standard.
Signatory organisations
Salud por Derecho, Andalucía Acoge, Amnistía Internacional, Alianza por la Solidaridad -ActionAid Spain, Asociación Rumiñahui, Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (CEAR), Convive-Fundación Cepaim, Entreculturas, la Coordinadora de Organizaciones para el Desarrollo-España, Médicos del Mundo, Movimiento por la Paz, Médicos sin Fronteras, Oxfam Intermón, Red Acoge and Save the Children.
Image: Gerd Altmann en Pixabay