- We present #VIHdasOlvidadas (#HIVForgottenLives), a campaign to speak about the impact of Covid-19 on the fight against AIDS: for the first time in history, HIV diagnosis and prevention have lost ground
Today is World AIDS Day. AIDS is a pandemic that still affects nearly 40 million people in the world and keeps killing one million people a year, especially in the poorest countries.
While Covid-19 receives the attention it deserves, HIV seems to have been forgotten more than ever. This is so true that – for the first time in history – AIDS diagnostic and prevention services have shrunk.
In 2020 alone, 22% fewer HIV diagnostic tests were performed and the number of people with access to prevention programs dropped by 11%, according to data from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.
At Right to Health (Salud por Derecho), we have no doubt about it: to end the AIDS pandemic by 2030, we need much more international funding that, among other things, helps to build stronger and better-prepared healthcare systems in the countries with the fewest resources. The defense of human rights will also be essential for putting an end to the stigma of the most-vulnerable populations, as well as prevention, diagnostic and medicine programs reaching everybody who needs them.
That is why we are launching #VIHdasOlvidadas (#HIVForgottenLives) today. To remind everyone that, when fighting pandemics, we cannot leave anybody behind.
Will you help us remind people?
You can do it here. Share the campaign!
This is the #VIHdasOlvidadas website.
In it, you will find a very easy way to see the information and share the images on your networks to report this situation and raise awareness about it. We also encourage you to subscribe to our Newsletter to receive more information about our work. Thanks!